Black Desert Online – Humpback Whales & Crododiles
Crocodile Hunting
Needed items:
• some Money (to repair)
• Hunting Musket
• a butchering knife
• time.
If there is no whales or no Khalk sighted, there is one more option to hunt. You are able to gaining Hunting EXP by killing crocodiles as the one option to kill the time between a whale or a Khalk. Freshwater Crocodiles can be found in the Lake Kaia, which belongs to the Calpheon Territory. Kaia Lake is located in the north of Treant and south-west of Calpheon City.
If you visit an untouched channel you’ll find at least 7 crocodiles (4 in the upper and 3 in the lower part of the lake). You can easily shoot them from the small islands in the centre of the lake. The drop table isn’t that worth as a Khalk or a whale kill but the drops include Blackstones (Weapon/Armor), Sharp/Hard Shards, and crocodile meat.
Once you killed all crocodiles at your channel, you swap it and repeat it until the durability of your weapon is low / all crocodiles are dead again. That moment you go to the Upper Lake Kaia Node and repair your gear. Once done you can go on with the hunting. Without a Fish suit, one channel takes roughly 10 minutes. when you’ve bought it then you can clear one full channel in less than 5 minutes.
Most of the time, when I decide to hunt crocodiles, I’ll play another game in the background while waiting for my swap cooldown / respawn but you can also farm a few ogres in your downtime.

Humpback Whale Hunting
The blue whale isn’t the only creature you can hunt in the oceans of Black Desert. Humpback whales are also inhabitants of the ocean and can be hunted.They have roughly the same drop table as crocodiles, except whale meat instead of crocodile meat. The following map will show you all the known spawning locations. Humback Whales can be done solo or in a group of two (max.). In general it’s not worth hunting them because:
1. It takes too long.
2. Only one person is able to loot.
3. It takes too long.
4. Bad Drop table compared to the time needed
5. It also takes too long. Did i already said it?

Hunting Guide – Introduction
Hunting Guide – Basics
Hunting Guide – Blue Whale Hunting
Hunting Guide – Hunting Khalk
Hunting Guide – Humpback & Crocodiles
Hunting Guide – Daily Hunting Quests
Hunting Guide – Last Words