IMPORTANT: This Relay only works for BDO SEA

The IHA BDO Relay is the connection tool between your own Discord and the Discords of the International Hunting Association. It will “instantly” alert your Discord on a confirmed spawn of a World or Field Boss.
1. invite the IHA Relay to your Discord Server
2. create a new Text Channel named: ihasea
3. make sure the Relay has access and write permission in the newly created channel
4. done
Disable the mentioning everyone Permission for IHARelay if you don’t want the @everyone prefix.
Please note that the IHA Relay only offers the initial spawning call but no instant HP updates, for those please join the respective IHA Discord of your server – you can find them here.
More Features might be added in the future. Stay tuned! (e.g. Hunting Support or selective Notifications)