Shadow Tower – Pinata God

“The Shadow Tower.”
On the other hand this farming method requires the highest preparation of all three methods. A radiant weapons is a MUST! and the better your equipment the better the groups that will take you. Calculate with a few hundred thousand Flux as investment to get the most out of this farming method as below level 40 it is very hard to find a top group.
If you meet the requirements farming Pinata God can easily exceed in over 25.000 Flux per hour up to more than 35.000 Flux on a Friday when the Shard Daily Bonus is active.
While finding a Club, that doing Shadow Tower on a regular base, is the best option you have to at least join the two major Shadow Tower farming chat channels /join ST and /join SA to do this method effectively. In those channels you will find farming groups in no time.
The time searching a group can be greatly reduces if you have a character level 42 and or a full Critical build featuring the Surestrike Emblem. While you can find groups as any class your chances for invites into a top farming group will greatly increase if you play Fae or Dracolyte as those two classes are always wanted.