Articles by UrzaKeFrostgard
Video Guides uploaded
I have uploaded several dungeon videos. Feel free to comment on them and to tell me what stuff I do need to improve. Frostrock Forest Easymode Frostrock Forest Normalemode [...]
Thoughts about level cap / gear progression
I have published my thoughts about the level cap and the gear progression on the CBT forums, feel free to enter this discussion! Link to the [...]
CBT1 Review done!
You can find the full review – here – For the forum review, the general feedback, my suggestions and the bug report please click – this – For now I am [...]
CBT1 Review – 4/4
The final 10 hours for this weekend would start soon, so I prepared myself for the last XPs to get. Jovens, RalphJ and I did already talked about grouping up again as a ton [...]
CBT1 Review – 3/4
Dear Diary, today I had lasagne! Well, my fioncee cooked it for me and it was delicious! So I logged in the 3rd day of the CBT with a satisfied belly. After killing a few [...]
CBT1 Review – 2/4
We are back with round two of four and the second day of the CBT1. Once I woke up and had a delicious meal of casserole (noodles + bacon + princess beans + tomato sauce + [...]
CBT1 Review – 1/4
Hey everybody, welcome to my CBT1 Review. Please do not kill me if you’re able to find grammar or spelling mistakes
On the 1st CBT weekend for Cabal2 I switched my [...]
Evaluation of CBT1 materials done
I finished the evaluation of the materials I have been (hey Ace ;)) taken during the CBT1 and added placeholders on all things (I am sure I have forgotten something) to the [...]
First CBT Phase is done
The first phase of the CBT has ended. For this CBT I have been able to take more than 20 hours of video material and a level 40 character. Currently I am evaluating the [...]